Please be aware this site is not designed to receive urgent reports. If you are on campus (including the University Residences) and need immediate or urgent support, please call the University's Security Service on 0114 222 4444.
Examples of urgent support may include incidents of a suspected criminal nature and medical nature (including mental health concerns or physical injuries).To ensure that the University can provide you with the urgent support you need and retain any potential evidence (for example CCTV footage), it is important to inform us of incidents as soon as possible. If you are off-campus, please contact the Emergency Services on 999.
You have chosen to inform us anonymously.
This means that we will not be able to identify you or contact you directly. It is also unlikely that we will be able to initiate an investigation or formal process about your concerns. However, you can find more information about the support available to you on our support pages.
Anonymous disclosures enable us to build a picture of issues where people do not feel able to reveal personal information but would like the University of Sheffield to be aware something has taken place. Anonymous disclosures also provide statistical information, which is used to monitor trends at the University and to inform our proactive and preventative work on tackling sexual harassment, sexual violence, bullying, harassment and discrimination.
If you would prefer, you can submit a disclosure that includes your personal details which will enable Student Welfare and Wellbeing (SWW), Residence Life or HR to discuss with you the support and resolutions available. You do not have to include the details of the person who committed the offence and can decide to seek support without taking it forward to a formal report.
Please note that if you submit an anonymous disclosure, you can submit a further disclosure with your personal details at any point in the future.
By submitting this form, you agree to the use of your personal information as detailed in the Privacy Notice.