We understand that seeking advice and support after an incident of sexual violence can be a very difficult and personal decision. This is why the University has established a specialised support service for students who have experienced sexual violence. The University has a dedicated team of qualified Sexual Violence Liaison Officers (SVLOs)  to support students who have experienced sexual harassment, sexual violence and/or relationship abuse, either recently or in the past (including before university). The SVLO team has extensive experience and treats each case with sensitivity and respect.
SVLOs listen empathically without judgement. They will be able to talk to you about the support available and discuss reporting options. SVLOs can also liaise with external organisations and other university staff/services on your behalf.
If you are not sure what has happened to you, or how it might be viewed, it can be very helpful to access the service and talk to an SVLO.  You can also access support even if it wasn’t you that was directly affected.
Students can let us know if they’d prefer to be supported by an SVLO of a certain gender and wherever possible we will meet that choice. Students can choose how to communicate with an SVLO, whether by email, phone, video call, or face-to-face appointment (providing restrictions allow). 
The SVLO service is confidential.
If you have been affected by sexual harassment and or violence we strongly urge students to access help and support from this service.

  1. Submit a disclosure via www.reportandsupport.sheffield.ac.uk and receive an automated response informing you that you will be contacted shortly by an SVLO.
  2. You will be contacted by an SVLO and asked if you would like to arrange a time to talk, either by email, phone or Google Hangout. An appointment time will be agreed.
  3. At your meeting, your SVLO will discuss the support available to you, from the University and external specialist services. They will also explain the reporting options available to you both within the University (where relevant) and externally.  Support will be offered regardless of whether you chose to report or not.
  4. If there are concerns about your safety, these will be considered carefully, and precautionary measures will be discussed with you.
  5. The SVLO will follow up your meeting with an email confirming what was discussed as well as further support information.
  6. A follow-up appointment will be made if required, and where agreed, your SVLO will be in touch regularly to see how you are and to discuss any ongoing concerns or support you might need.


There are two ways you can tell us what happened